
The effect of a 14-day ketogenic diet on the level of erythrocytes with micronuclei, the activity of nucleolar-forming regions in lymphocytes, and the leukocyte blood count of 8-week-old male C57BL/6 mice was studied. It was found that in animals receiving a ketone diet, the proportion of erythrocytes with Jolly bodies was 18.7 times higher than in mice in the control group receiving a standard diet. The diet did not cause changes in nucleolar activity in lymphocytic cells of the peripheral blood of experimental animals. A slight increase in the level of neutrophils in mice from the experimental group compared with the control was found, probably induced by a change in the biochemical composition of the blood (ketodiet mimics the state after fasting or heavy exercise, which may be accompanied by slight neutrophilia). A significant increase in the proportion of erythrocytes with micronuclei in the peripheral blood of animals of the experimental group may be due to a violation of cell maturation under conditions of severe deficiency of the main energy source for red blood cells — glucose and the inability to use ketone bodies as an energy substrate.

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