The purpose of this study was to determine the significant effect of principal leadership and teacher performance on student learning outcomes in kindergarten, Lempuing Jaya district. The population in this study were 122 teachers with a sample of 93 teachers. The results of this study indicate that, (1). there is a significant influence of the Principal's Leadership on Teacher Performance with a value (tcount 5,552> ttable 1.99547) There is a significant effect of teacher performance on student learning outcomes with tcount 2180> ttable 1.99547) there is a significant influence of principal leadership and teacher performance on student learning outcomes with a value of fcount 15.553> ftable 3.29 and a significant level of 0.000 <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Vareabel Leadership can be concluded that the principal and teacher performance are simultaneously significant effect on Student Learning Outcomes in kindergarten Lempuing Jaya subdistrict Ogan Ogan Ilir.
The purpose of this study was to determine the significant effect of principal leadership and teacher performance on student learning outcomes in kindergarten, Lempuing Jaya district
The value of the Principal Leadership Regression coefficient is 10.517, meaning that if the Principal Leadership variable (X1) increases by 1%, assuming the Teacher Performance variable (X2) and the coefficient (a) is 0 the Student Learning Outcomes in Kindergarten, Lempuing Jaya District, Ogan District Komering Ilir amounted to 10,517
The teacher performance regression coefficient value is 10.185, which means that if the teacher performance variable (X2) increases by 1% with the assumption that the Principal Leadership variable (X1) and the coefficient (a) is 0, the Student Learning Outcomes in Kindergarten, Lempuing Jaya District, Ogan District Komering Ilir amounted to 10,517
The purpose of this study was to determine the significant effect of principal leadership and teacher performance on student learning outcomes in kindergarten, Lempuing Jaya district. Vareabel Leadership can be concluded that the principal and teacher performance are simultaneously significant effect on Student Learning Outcomes in kindergarten Lempuing Jaya subdistrict Ogan Ogan Ilir. Education is one of the factors that influence the print quality human resource is the teacher. High teacher performance is a manifestation of teacher quality. This is quite important in order to achieve school goals. High performance means that teachers can function as effective and effective educators in accordance with the goals they want to achieve [1]. Teachers teach only based on their past experiences from time to time, so they feel memorized by heart and do not want to change to new things, including learning methods
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