
Background: Nationally, the coverage of infant, toddler and preschool health services tends to decrease compared to 2021, this is due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Efforts to fulfill the main essential services for infants and toddlers are exclusive breastfeeding,Vitamin A and monitoring of growth and development. It can be seen that the percentage of toddlers monitored for growth and development in Indonesia in 2021 is 69.6%. Meanwhile, the 2021 Strategic Plan target is 70%. Failure to achieve the target of Visit Coverage Percentage of Toddlers whose growth and development are monitored as a result of theCOVID 19 pandemic. Purpose of writing: is to find out the influence of information sources, availability of facilities, the role of midwives and mothers; attitudes towards motivation in monitoring toddler growth and development in several regions in Indonesia. Research Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational method with a cross sectional design. The population in this study were all mothers who had toddlers. The dataanalysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi square test. Results: From the three regions, the results of the Chy Square test for the TPMB Gunung Sindur Kab. Bogor Value of Midwives Role Obtained p value 0.043 & 0.005 and Kalanganyer Public Health Center District. Lebak p value 0.034;0.005 Meanwhile, in the Mandala Health Center area, the results of the Pearson Chi-Square test for Information Sources obtained p = 0.032 and the Mother Attitude value obtained p = 0.001 , so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that there is a significant influence between the roles of midwives, sources of information andMother Attitude in Monitoring the Growth and Development of Toddlers. Conclusions: By conducting this research, it is hoped that all mothers who have toddlers can be motivated to monitor the growth and development of their children, given the importance of monitoring children health in order to prevent stunting rates in toddlers.

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