 Latar belakang: Stres dapat menimpa berbagai profesi dan pekerjaan. Guru sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu profesi yang rentan terhadap stres. Stres ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja guru, oleh karena itu stress harus diatasi. Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan stres adalah relaksasi dengan terapi musik. Bagian dari terapi musik adalah Guided Imagery and Music (GIM). Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh relaksasi GIM terhadap stres guru sekolah dasar negeri di kabupaten Sekadau, Kalimantan barat. 
 Metode: 40 orang responden guru diikut sertakan dalam penelitian ini melalui cluster random sampling. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode quasi eksperiment pre-post dengan grup kontrol. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik individu dan masa kerja, stressor kerja (menggunakan kuesioner SDS) dan stres guru (menggunakan kuesioner SCL-90). Relaksasi GIM diberikan sebanyak 5 sesi dalam waktu ±20 menit setiap sesi selama 1 minggu. 
 Hasil: 77.5% responden memiliki tingkat stress sedang pada stressor beban pekerjaan kualitatif berlebih. Penilaian awal stress didapatkan 77.5% responden mengalami gejala psikopatologi dengan gejala terbanyak adalah obsesi-kompulsif (27.5%). Terdapat penurunan rerata stres yang bermakna pada guru SD yang mendapat relaksasi GIM dengan perbedaan mean 3.00±6.29 (p=0.046) dan peningkatan rerata stress pada kelompok kontrol -1.45±7.72 (p=0.412). 
 Kesimpulan: Intervensi GIM berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tingkat stress pada guru SD yang menjalani relaksasi GIM. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(1):45-50) 
 Kata kunci: Relaksasi GIM, Stres guru, Guru sekolah dasar
 Background: Stress is a common hazard in a lot of professions and occupation. Primary school teachers are one of the most vulnerable profession to have stress. Stress may impact on teachers’ performance and therefore must be treated. One of the ways to alleviate stress is relaxation by musical theraphy. A part of musical theraphy is Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) relaxation. The purpose of the research is to know the influence of GIM relaxation method on stress’ level of primary school teachers in district Sekadau, West Kalimantan.
 Methods: 40 teachers participated in this research and were chosen by cluster random sampling method. The study design was pre-post quasi experiment with control group. The collected data included respondents’ individual characteristics and length-of-employment, work stressors (using SDS questionnaire) and teachers’ stress (using SCL-90 questionnaire). GIM relaxation method was provided in 5 sessions where conducted for 20 minutes during the period of one week.
 Results: 77.5% of respondents have medium stress levels, which were excessive qualitative workloads stressors. In early stress assessment, 77.5% respondent showed psychopatology symptoms, where the most frequent symptom was obsessive-compulsive (27.5%). There was a significant decrease in stress level in primary school teachers who received the GIM relaxation with a mean difference of 3.00±6.29 (p=0.046) and an increase of stress’ level in control group with a mean difference of -1.45±7.72 (p=0.412).
 Conclusion: GIM intervention has an effect on reducing stress level in primary school teachers who have undergone GIM relaxation. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(1):45-50) 
 Keywords: GIM relaxation, Teachers’ stress, primary school teachers
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