
The study examines a way to reduce stormwater runoff in urban conditions using the device of «green» roofs in the design and construction, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures. The sewer system of modern increasingly growing cities often cannot cope with the load exerted on it. Therefore, an environmentally friendly and effective reduction of storm runoff is one of the main challenges in the field of urban planning today. Despite the fact that foreign works devoted to this topic, as well as the experience of practical application of roof greening technolo-gies abroad have proved a significant reduction in runoff, the question of the expediency of this method in Russian realities remains open. It is important to take into account not only the water-holding capacity of «green» roofs as such, but also the meteorological peculiarities of the territory where construction is planned, the methods of produc-tion technology and the construction materials used. Until now, the study of this aspect in the Russian Federation has not been given sufficient importance, which, in turn, delayed the introduction of modern technologies for the installa-tion of green roofs in our country, and also slowed down the development and approval of the necessary regulatory framework. The article provides a theoretical proof of the effectiveness of «green» roofs in reducing rain and snow-melt runoff in the climatic conditions of Central Russia, based on statistical and empirical data. The results obtained may be valuable for the further development of «green» technologies in construction and for ensuring environmental safety in our country.

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