
The influence of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulator on buckwheat productivity under the conditions of north-east forest steppe of Ukraine is researched. On the basis of conducted researches it was defined that macro- and microelements influenced the amount of chlorophyll in buckwheat leaves. On the average in the research the content of chlorophyll in buckwheat leaves was 4.51-4.95 mg per g of wet weight. In the research, as for the influence on chlorophyll content, the variant with application of N 45 P 45 K 45 – 4 . 95 mg / g was the best one. It was more on 0.44 mg/g in comparison with control variant (4.51 mg/g). Applying growth stimulator Humifild VR-18 and N 34 chlorophyll content increased on 0,21, 0,38 mg/gr of wet weight. In the variants with the dose of mineral fertilizers N 45 P 45 K 45 kg/ha the maximum display of plant height was noted in flowering period – 94.0 and 115.0 cm in fruiting stage. In fruiting stage the greatest number of leaves was formed by the dose of mineral fertilizers N 45 P 45 K 45 – 26 . 0 pieces per plant. It was more on 8.3 % (24.0 pieces per plant) by N 34 , on 30.0 % (20,0 pieces per plant) by Humifild VR-18 and on 53.0 % (17,0 pieces per plant) without fertilizers. The research findings show that such elements of yield structure as the amount of grain from a plant, grain weight from a plant, weight per 1000 seeds, technological index of grain quality and uniformity aggregate in the best way by mineral fertilizer application in the dose N 45 P 45 K 45 . The use of growth stimulator Humifild VR-18 and mineral fertilizer in the dose N 34 affected negatively first of all plant population and its conservation during the growing season, grain content of a plant, grain weight from a plant, weight per 1000 seeds and uniformity. On the average during the years of research the highest indices of productivity were gained by the use of mineral fertilizer in the dose N 45 P 45 K 45 . It facilitated the maximal weight of 1000 seeds – 30.1 g with grain amount on a plant – 48.7 pieces, grain weight from a plant -1.4 g and the highest uniformity in the experiment – 82.4 %.

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