
Aim. To analyze the state of the soil, natural waters and vegetable products to identify the negative impact of anthropogenic pressure on the residential area of the village. Samchyky Khmelnytsky district, Khmelnytsky region. Methods. The method of route monitoring was used for the research. Chemical-analytical studies were carried out by methods that correspond to the regulatory framework of Ukraine. Results. The analyzed soil samples had a very high content of mobile compounds of phosphorus from 1010 to 1685 mg/kg and potassium 332 mg/kg to 420 mg/kg. The content of lead in some soil samples taken at the fallow and vegetable gardens exceeded the MPC. In the water of wells, water pipes and sources, no excess of drinking and household standards was found, except for one of the wells, where the total hardness index was 11 meq/l (standard 10 meq/l) and the calcium content was 154.3 mg/l (standard 130 mg/l). In the river of Sluch, a slight excess of the reaction of the medium pH - 8.6 (standard 6.5–8.5) and the content of Р2О5 – 0.9 mg/l (standard 0.46 mg/l) was noted. In all analyzed samples of vegetable products, nitrate contamination was not found, but almost all of them did not meet sanitary and hygienic standards for the content of lead, cadmium and nickel. Conclusions. Consequently, the analysis of the state of the residential area with. Samchyky Khmelnytsky district, Khmelnytsky region showed that one of the main factors influencing its ecological safety is the anthropogenic load, which leads to the accumulation of biogenic elements and pollutants in soils, natural waters and vegetable products. Monitoring the state of residential areas and establishing the features of migration and accumulation of biogenic elements and ecotoxicants is a promising area of research for the development of measures to prevent pollution of soil, groundwater, open water bodies and crop products.

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