
In the Russian Federation transition to the practice of flexible regulation occurs gradually in the field of fire safety. In connection with the adoption in 2008 of the Federal law No 123-FL «Technical regulations on fire safety requirements» of great importance for the development and implementation of the domestic practice of evidence-based methodologies of quantitative fire risk assessment that allows you to match the actually existing level of risk of legally established limit value. The procedure of calculation of individual fire risk is determined by methods approved by orders of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia No. 382 No. 404. However, in cases of risk assessment of linear facilities (pipelines, roads, and so on) it is rational to apply the above techniques in conjunction with specialized documents. In this paper we propose an algorithm to estimate values of fire risk on pipelines using existing EMERCOM of Russia dated 10.07.2009 No. 404 in conjunction with a specialized methodology for risk assessment of oil pipelines

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