
As algorithms have evolved, they have been heavily used in social media, and more brands are using them as an effective tool for social media marketing. The use of algorithms in social media marketing has become increasingly prevalent as brands seek to maximize their impact and reach on these platforms. However, there has been a growing concern over the impact of algorithms on society, including issues such as filter bubbles, echo chambers, and algorithmic bias. This research is important as it seeks to provide insights into the social impact of algorithmic applications in social media marketing. The findings could be useful to both brands and consumers, enabling them to make more informed decisions about their use of algorithms in social media marketing. This research aims to investigate the social impact of the use of algorithms in social media marketing. The study collected 135 samples through a qualitative research method using a questionnaire for social media users. The collected data was analyzed to derive both positive and negative impacts of algorithmic applications in social media marketing on society. The application of algorithms on social media can affect society due to efficient marketing and enhanced access to information. However, it can also have negative impacts on society, for example, potential for manipulation, loss of privacy, reinforcement of stereotypes and biases, and amplification of harmful content. And the paper builds on previous research on the subject of algorithms and social media by exploring their potential impact in more depth. By doing so, the study intends to enable both brands and consumers to effectively avoid its negative effects.

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