
The research aimed to analyze the results of the application of some agricultural legislation and laws and the degree of commitment of wheat farmers, in addition to knowing the role of agricultural legislation in supporting agricultural policy in Iraq and knowing the degree of its success. A questionnaire was used for a sample of 247 farmers in Wasit Governorate, and they were asked with a set of 26 questions. The results showed that a Likert scale was used. The results showed that with regard to the question of not providing agricultural loans, 80.3% of farmers considered it an important issue. As for the questions of weak support for production inputs prices and weak support for final output prices, their answers were largely similar with the word “agree” with 88.79 and 87.72% of the sample answers. The research concluded double the amount of government support provided to production requirements for the cultivation of the wheat crop, in addition to that it does not achieve the farmer's goal in reducing production costs, The contribution of this support is weak in relation to the total costs of production requirements. The research also concluded that despite the state setting the purchase price of the crop at prices that exceed international prices for it, it was not sufficiently remunerative compared to the high production costs in Iraq. The research recommended the need to tighten control for the purpose of preventing farmers from violating the imposed government legislation in order to regulate production and develop the agricultural sector, as well as work to improve the reality of agricultural crop production, especially the wheat crop, by providing government support for the use of modern technologies to raise the level of production and then achieve greater returns for farmers.

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