
Providing continuous coverage of key services, shift work is a necessity of the modern world. It varies according to the number and length of the shifts and according to scheduling patterns. However, it is common to all forms that they ensure the smooth running of a particular service with the 24-hour presence of staff. This means that working time partly or completely overlaps with night sleep, causing an imbalance between circadian rhythms and the requirements of the environment. Aforesaid imbalance has a negative effect on sleep and can lead to sleep disorders, which in turn cause mental health problems. In addition, the development of unhealthy behaviours developed by shift workers to manage their working hours (especially night work) and the inconsistency of their working hours with those of the general population also lead to poorer mental health, lower quality of social life and family conflicts. However, since shift work cannot be completely eliminated, it is necessary to consider designing the measures to reduce the negative impact of shift work on the mental health and well-being of workers, both at the individual level, as well as at the level of working organisations. Some of the key measures are presented in the article.


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  • Providing continuous coverage of key services, shift work is a necessity of the modern world

  • It is common to all forms that they ensure the smooth running of a particular service with the 24-hour presence of staff. This means that working time partly or completely overlaps with night sleep, causing an imbalance between circadian rhythms and the requirements of the environment

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Izmensko delo in fiziologija spanja

Pri ljudeh cikle spanja in budnosti uravnava interakcija dveh fizioloških ter vedenjskih mehanizmov, in sicer homeostatski spalni pritisk ter cirkadiani ritmi (Borbely idr., 2016). Med budnostjo se spalni pritisk povečuje in tako se postopoma povečuje tudi zaspanost. Spalni ritem vplivajo tudi cirkadiani ritmi (Brown idr., 2020). Biološka noč in dan sta razmejena z ritmom sproščanja melatonina (Moreno idr., 2019); sinteza melatonina se začne ob zmanjševanju dnevne svetlobe, največje sproščanje melatonina pa je ob odsotnosti svetlobe, pri zdravih odraslih ljudeh z vrhuncem nekje med tretjo in četrto uro zjutraj. Med nočno izmeno), cirkadiani ritmi sporočajo, da je čas za spanje, ko pa ima izmenski delavec možnost zaspati Podnevi), cirkadiani ritmi sporočajo, da je čas za budnost, kar vodi h kratkemu in razdrobljenemu spanju ter čez čas k povečanemu spalnemu dolgu (Brown idr., 2020) Ko mora biti izmenski delavec buden (tj. med nočno izmeno), cirkadiani ritmi sporočajo, da je čas za spanje, ko pa ima izmenski delavec možnost zaspati (tj. podnevi), cirkadiani ritmi sporočajo, da je čas za budnost, kar vodi h kratkemu in razdrobljenemu spanju ter čez čas k povečanemu spalnemu dolgu (Brown idr., 2020)

Prilagoditev na izmensko delo
Izmensko delo in težave s spanjem
Motnje cirkadianega ritma
Motnja spanja zaradi izmenskega dela
Izmensko delo in duševno zdravje
Izmensko delo in motnje razpoloženja
Izmensko delo in samomorilne misli
Različne vrste izmenskega dela in duševno zdravje
Ukrepi za omilitev negativnih vplivov izmenskega dela
Izobraževanje in usposabljanje izmenskih delavcev
Oblikovanje podpornega okolja
Težave pri oblikovanju ukrepov
Full Text
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