
Simple SummaryPoultry meat production has many challenges; one of them is the optimized use of natural feed and litter additives. Aluminosilicates have many properties, stimulating both the health and growth of birds and influencing the hygienic status of production. The objectives of the study were to compare growth, meat quality traits and gene expression in the intestinal mucosa of chickens, where halloysite and zeolite were added to the feed and litter simultaneously. There was a similar growth performance in all tested groups. There was no negative impact on most of the meat characteristics, and a positive effect on the water-holding capacity of the breast muscles was observed. The immunostimulatory and immunoregulatory properties of natural minerals have been demonstrated. Therefore, their use in the production of broiler chickens can be recommended.The aim of the study was to compare the production, muscle traits and gene expression in the intestinal mucosa of chickens supplemented with aluminosilicates in feed and litter simultaneously. A total of 300 Ross 308 were maintained for 42 days. Group 1 was the control group. In group 2, 0.650 kg/m2 of halloysite was added to the litter and 0.5–2% to the feed (halloysite and zeolite in a 1:1 ratio); in group 3, we added zeolite (0.650 kg/m2) to the litter and 0.5–2% to the feed. The production parameters, the slaughter yield and analyses of muscle quality were analyzed. There was a higher body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio on day 18 and 33 in group 3, and a higher feed intake on day 19–33 in groups 2 and 3 than in 1. A lower water-holding capacity was found in the breasts of group 2 and in the legs of group 3 compared to group 1. The expression of genes related to the immune response, host defense and intestinal barrier and nutrient sensing in the intestinal tissue was analyzed. The results show a beneficial effect on the immune status of the host without an adverse effect on the expression of genes related to intestinal tightness or nutritional processes. Due to the growth, meat characteristics and the positive impact of immunostimulant and regulating properties, aluminosilicates can be suggested as a litter and feed additive in the rearing of chickens.

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