
The study aims at identifying the impact of the swimming proposed program on some physiological variables (VO2 max, blood pressure, pulse) and the thickness of skin folders for female students at the Department of Physical Education, College of Education. The study sample consisted of freshman female students, first class at the Department of Physical Education / Koya University. Fifteen female students out of (27) were selected for their equivalence in physical variables. To measure physiological variables, the researcher has used the following tests: heart ratio to measure pulse, blood pressure measurement and Strand test on the bicycle argometric to be used in predicting VO2 max. To measure skinfold thickness, the researcher has used the locations reflecting the total ratio of fat in women, including triceps, supraspinale. Mean, standard deviation and t-test were used as statistical means to derive the results. The proposed educational program has a positive impact on physiological variables and thickness of skin folds. There were significant differences between the pre and post tests for VO2 max and systolic and diastolic blood pressures and pulse for the favor of post-test.


  • ‫أولت معظم دول العالم ولاسیما في وقتنا الحاضر عنایة خاصة بنمو الانسان وتربیته في‬ ‫جمیع المجالات الفسیولوجیة والحركیة والنفسیة ‪ ،‬ویعد علم فسیولوجیا التدریب الریاضي من‬ ‫العلوم المهمة للعالمین في مجال الریاضة او التدریب الریاضي ‪ ،‬ونتیجة لزیادة معامل فسیولوجیا‬ ‫الریاضة خلال السنوات الاخیرة فقد استطاع الباحثون الحصول على المعلومات والحقائق‬ ‫الفسیولوجیة المهمة والتي اسهمت في تطویر التدریب وتقنینه حتى یكون ملائما لقدرة الانسان‬

  • The study aims at identifying the impact of the swimming proposed program on some physiological variables (VO2 max, blood pressure, pulse) and the thickness of skin folders for female students at the Department of Physical Education, College of Education

  • The study sample consisted of freshman female students, first class at the Department of Physical Education / Koya University

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‫أولت معظم دول العالم ولاسیما في وقتنا الحاضر عنایة خاصة بنمو الانسان وتربیته في‬ ‫جمیع المجالات الفسیولوجیة والحركیة والنفسیة ‪ ،‬ویعد علم فسیولوجیا التدریب الریاضي من‬ ‫العلوم المهمة للعالمین في مجال الریاضة او التدریب الریاضي ‪ ،‬ونتیجة لزیادة معامل فسیولوجیا‬ ‫الریاضة خلال السنوات الاخیرة فقد استطاع الباحثون الحصول على المعلومات والحقائق‬ ‫الفسیولوجیة المهمة والتي اسهمت في تطویر التدریب وتقنینه حتى یكون ملائما لقدرة الانسان‬.

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