
Copenhagen Accord's and Cancun Agreements' general perspective does not include any low-carbon technologies consideration and Hydrogen Fuel Cell (H2FC) Vehicles is still not considered as a relevant solution in the energy debate. In recent years I presented different analyses in which I argued that it's time to do so. I considered the "H2FC Powertrain" as power generation plant and the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) was compared to costs of traditional power generation technologies. Using the U.S. DOE "H2FC Powertrain" data (referred to high projected production volume) the 2009-2010 LCOE would be in a range of USD 174.8-192.3 for MWh. Using 2015 data target the lower value of the LCOE cost range moves down and it appears competitive with almost all power generation technologies analyzed. The analysis confirms the new relevant "H2FC Powertrain" possible role in the Copenhagen Accord and Cancun Agreements perspective both in transport and power generation sectors.

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