
The physical qualities are individual aspects of a person's motor capabilities. The following physical qualities are distinguished: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility. There is a close relationship between them. In the sports training, physical training plays an important role, as it is aimed at developing the physical qualities necessary to achieve success in the chosen sport. The high level of the physical development is the foundation on which sports training is based and is one of the components of the achieving high sports results. The tennis, like any sport, has specific characteristics. A tennis player must be fast, but the speed of his actions is different from that of a sprinter; enduring, but not the endurance of a marathon runner. He must have strength, but it is not the strength that a weightlifter needs; he must be agile and flexible, but not like a gymnast or acrobat.Виявити специфічні особливості гри в теніс необхідно для того, щоб розвивати всі фізичні якості необхідні для досягнення успіху саме в цьому виді спорту. Objective of the study: to reveal the peculiarities of special physical training of tennis players. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalisation of scientific and methodological literature. Results of the study. A general description of physical qualities is given. The methods and means of improving the level of physical fitness in tennis players are presented. Conclusions. In order to achieve high sports results, the level of physical fitness of a sportsman in accordance with the peculiarities of sports specialisation is of primary importance. For the successful game activity of tennis players it is necessary to develop all physical qualities, because only their combination will allow to solve various game tasks qualitatively. Prospects for further research: selection of means and methods for improving tennis players' physical fitness.

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