
Introduction. The development of Ukraine cannot be achieved without the powerful educational potential of the nation, namely, not high-quality training of specialists in all sectors. The realization of this goal is impossible without one of the most important components of the educational process - physical education. Physical education helps students in the formation of professional skills, brings up the basics of a healthy lifestyle, improves their health, and increases the level of physical and functional fitness. Therefore, the issues of improving the content, forms and methods of physical education of schoolchildren in secondary schools remain relevant. The article considers and analyzes the importance of independent physical education classes. An innovative technology is proposed to increase the interest of schoolchildren in independent physical education classes with the aim of increasing physical fitness indicators, as well as maintaining and strengthening health. Hypothesis of the study is that independent physical education will improve the physical fitness of high school students. Research purpose to determine the impact of different types of independent physical education on the physical fitness of high school students. Research methods and materials. The proposed innovative technology contains the following components: purpose, objectives, directions, organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages of implementation and performance criteria, which in turn are related to each other and in the complex solve the problem of involving high school students in independent physical education. Methods: analysis and theoretical generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 74 high school seniors who belong to a major medical group and have no health disabilities. Results. The data of the experimental study of the impact of the developed innovative technology on the indicators of physical fitness of older school-age children are presented and its effectiveness is proved. Conclusions. In order to improve the performance of older school-age students, innovative technology was proposed that included the use of information technology and control systems. After the introduction of innovative technology, qualitative characteristics of physical fitness showed that the majority of students EG1, EG2, EG3 and EG4 after the experiment have a sufficient level of physical fitness (p <0,05). Keywords: innovative technology, health, high school students, self-study, physical education.

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