
The growing production and demand for spatial information in public administration, as well as its need for dissemination among the entities responsible for planning, management and decision-making processes, require efficient and controlled ways to maintain and publish significant amounts of data. Under the terms of the Tax Code of Fortaleza, the Secretaria Municipal de Finanças” (SEFIN) is responsible for the management and maintenance of the Real Estate Cadaster (CIM), especially as regards the registration data of all real estate units and subunits in the city, regardless of their category of use or taxation incident, as well as the multi-finality character of the register. In view of this, a considerable part of the creation, alteration, exclusion and management of the elements of alphanumeric and spatial nature, which correspond to the basic cartography of the city, are inserted in the CIM and are managed through the “Sistema de Informação Territorial de Fortaleza” (SITFor). With the purpose of promoting the adequate sharing and dissemination of this spatial and tax informations with other entities of the municipal public administration, SEFIN, promoted between the years 2019 and 2020 the implementation of its Spatial Data Infrastructure with a tax theme. This article aims to present and share the experiences and products generated by the agency with the IDE-SEFIN implementation project, as well as its integration perspectives and future challenges. The use of this type of solution for sharing information can be one of the success factors for the use of geotechnologies and decision-making processes that require the analysis of spatial data for their consolidation.

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