
This paper analyzed the phased changes and direction of China's marine economic policy after the reform and opening up, the changing characteristics of the scale of the marine economy and the output structure of marine tertiary, secondary and primary industries. A shift-share analysis model was used to decompose the labor productivity growth rate of China's marine economy and its three economic industries into the corresponding contributions of the structural shift effect caused by institutional changes and the within-growth effect caused by technological progress. The results showed that from 2005 to 2015, the within-growth effect caused by technological progress contributed approximately 92.74% to the labor productivity growth of China's marine economy, while the contribution of the structural shift effect was approximately 7.25%. The contribution of marine tertiary industry, secondary industry and primary industry to the growth of marine economic labor productivity decreased in turn. China’s marine economic policy regulated marine industrial structure and promoted marine scientific and technological progress through market-oriented incentive, industrial regulation constraints and support for technological innovation, etc. There was good synergy between the changes in policy and the change trend of the structural shift and within-growth effects in the labor productivity growth process of the marine economy and its three economic industries. This showed that China's marine economic policies have an important impact on scientific and technological progress and industrial structure changes within the marine economy.

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