
The strengthening of relations between EU and Ukraine is of strategic significance to the two parties, both politically and economically, given the size and geographic position of the country under consideration and the fact that EU is already one of the major commercial partners of Ukraine. Towards this goal, the partnership and cooperation regime should be succeeded by an association regime joining the two sides. Negotiations for the conclusion of a pioneer Association Agreement (AA), the first with a country of Eastern Partnership, have been completed. However, its final signature depends upon the fulfillment, from the side of Ukraine, of specific terms related to the progress of internal reforms in the nation's political, economic and legal system. The AA will become the legal framework for the political association and economic integration between the contracting parties. Crucial component of the agreement is a deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA), the establishment of which is expected to contribute in Ukraine's economic modernization and integration with EU's internal market, mainly by adopting the trade-related EU acquis. The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of the AA and in particular the rules governing the liberalization of bilateral trade, the implementation mechanisms laid down and the issues related to the perspective of Ukraine's accession to the EU.

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