
Language is a means of communication. It is used by human beings as a method of communicating ideas, feelings and desires by means of a system of sounds and sounds symbols. It is not only as means of communication but also as media to access knowledge and technology. English is used in daily or formal communication and it has an important role in the activity of life either in written or oral form related to the science and technology written or spoken such as in the books, magazine, newspaper, radio and television. Therefore, to be able to express and understand English especially for educated people is a must. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language which has an important role in almost every aspect. It is important not only for students who want to elevate themselves into the higher education institution but also the people who look for better job or position. That is why, English is taught from elementary school to the university with the hope that government may prepare them in their future life. To get this target, the government has applied many methods, techniques, and media to gain successful result.
 For Junior high school students, instructional media (especially visual Aids) can be interesting things for motivating them to study more diligently because in fact they like them. Students or children like to see and use things as picture, car, maps or the other visual Aids because they have been familiar with them so that they may easy to understand, to memorize and to transform things they learn with things they see. Visual Aids can also prevent students from misunderstanding since they can see and even touch what the teacher means. If the students are given chance to see the media used when they are learning English, especially in speaking lesson, so the media will be enable to attract them to understand the subject more. MTs Ma’arif NU Tuban is one of the secondary Schools Under the control of YP. Maarif NU Cabang Tuban. The location of this institution is in the complex of education area in Manunggal street NO 10 – 12 Tuban East Java. To reach good result of its output, the Institution creates small classes with around 15-20 students in it. It is done to make teachers may be able to control, to manage and to pay attention to the class fully so that it may increase the quality of the graduation. The teachers, especially English teacher has implemented many kinds of methods, techniques and media and he also equips himself with the knowledge of teaching he has taken from Diklat, workshops and seminars. Besides it, he is also diligent to learn, to find knowledge and to consult things he does not understand yet to other persons he thinks capable in the education. Formerly, he often uses other media when he teaches English speaking. But some of the students feel bored. They are not enthusiastic, not active and even sleepy. That is why, he tries to use media for him it is something new, visual aids.
 Based on the description, he formulates statement of the problem as follows: 1. What are the effects of visual Aids in teaching speaking for the second year students of MTs. Ma’arif NU Tuban ?, 2. How are the visual aids used in teaching speaking for the second year students of MTs. Ma’arif NU Tuban?, 3. How are students’ attitudes toward the use of visual aids in teaching speaking for the second year students of MTs. Ma’arif NU Tuban?. That is why the objective of the researches are as follows: 1. To describe the effects of visual aids in teaching speaking for the second year students of MTs Ma’arif NU Tuban, 2. To describe how are visual aids used in teaching speaking for the second year students of MTs. Ma’arif NU and 3. to describe how are students’ attitudes towards the use of visual aids in teaching speaking for the second year students of MTs. Ma’arif NU Tuban. Based on the researarch, it is seen that visual aids have significant effects in developing english speaking skill for the students. The students are motivated to learn English. In choosing the visual aids, teacher usually produces by himself or asked students to bring or to preapre them. The students attitude on the teaching of speaking using visual aids are that they become motivated and interested to learn english so that their speaking skill increase and increase. Therefore, it is sugested that the Englkish teachers have to use visual aids to get the objective of English learning.

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