
This study aimed to investigate the effect of using blended learning in teaching geography on the achievement of students in the Koura District Education Directorate of Irbid Governorate. This study was applied to the students of the basic stage, where the study sample was divided into two groups, experimental and control. The descriptive approach and the experimental approach were adopted, and in analyzing the results, the researcher relied on the (SPSS) program, in extracting means and standard deviations, in addition to analyzing the impact of blended learning on student achievement based on the Eta square (η2), calculating the adjusted earning percentage for Black to verify the effectiveness Blended learning in developing achievement. The results of the research showed that there is an impact of the use of blended learning in teaching geography on the achievement of primary school students in the Koura District Education Directorate of Irbid Governorate. And there is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group and the control group students in the post-application of the achievement test in favor of the experimental group. In addition, there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group students in the pre and post applications of the achievement test in favor of the post-application. The study recommends several proposals, the most important of which is training teachers in general and geography teachers in a way to adopt blended education in the educational process. And the adoption of blended learning for all educational levels, especially in geography. Keywords: blended learning, basic stage students, Jordan DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-32-01 Publication date: November 30 th 2022

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