
Higher education is currently facing a myriad of complex and diverse challenges. Increasing global competition, rapid developments in educational technology, and mounting pressures related to cost management and financing are factors that can significantly impact the higher education landscape. The aim of this research is to analyze the extent to which social media use can enhance organizational performance, ultimately influencing the organization's ability to foster innovation. This study employs a quantitative approach, collecting data through a questionnaire distributed to 205 respondents, consisting of faculty members working in private universities in Bandung, Indonesia. The questionnaire is designed using a 7-point Likert scale and distributed through an online survey platform. The research findings indicate that social media use has a positive and significant relationship with organizational performance and innovation performance in higher education. These findings are reinforced by the mediating role of organizational performance, explaining a significant portion of the positive influence of social media on innovation performance. The implications of these findings provide a foundation for universities to optimize the use of social media as a strategic tool in achieving performance goals and fostering innovation in the higher education environment.

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