
The effect of red light-emitting diodes (LED) (λmax = 630 nm, Δλ = 20 nm) on a photosynthetic apparatus and the growth of Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. were studied under auto- and photo-heterotrophic conditions. It was shown that the addition of red light against the background of luminescent lamps illumination leads to a decrease in the pigment content, whereas the pigment relationship was unchanged. The involvement of glucose into the culture medium further decreases the content of all pigments and changes their relationship on both white and red lights. The red light was favorable for a considerable accumulation of biomass of the alga, the maximal value of which was observed under conditions of photo-heterotrophic growth (by 3.6 times). Based on biochemical and fluorescent indices, a conclusion is drawn that use of the red light by the photosynthetic apparatus of S. platensis is effective. The employment of monochromatic red LED makes it possible to change the spectral composition of artificial light sources, to investigate the specific peculiarities of adaptation of algal cultures to the light regime, and to provide electric energy saving.

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