
The aim of the study: Combined use of kineso- and laser therapy to correct regional hemodynamic disorders in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCMP). Material and methods: The study included 100 patients diagnosed with DCMP. The diagnosis "DCMP" was established for patients with dilatation of the heart cavity of non-coronatural origin, increased heart size (final diastolic size of the left ventricle - LV CDR > 6.0 cm). The determination of the CHF FC was made according to the Russian National Recommendations of the RSCS (2018) and OSSN on the diagnosis and treatment of CHF. All patients took differentiated medication-assisted therapy according to indications during 3 months. Patients were divided into 2 comparable groups by sex, age, disease course, severity of the condition, and specifics of medication therapy. Patients of the 1st group were treated with intravenous laser irradiation of blood (ILIB) and selection of unloading therapeutic gymnastics against the background of supporting differentiated medication therapy. Patients of the 2nd group (control) received only differentiated medication therapy. The main method of investigation was venous occlusal plethysmography to evaluate regional hemodynamics with the determination of blood flow (Qr) and regional vascular resistance (Rr) at rest, venous tone (Vt), reserve blood flow (QH) and regional vascular resistance (RH) on the background of a functional load test. РResults: The data obtained during the dynamic observation (in 1, 3, 6 and 12 months) in the main group showed a reliable increase in the volume velocity of the blood flow at rest (Qr) and the reserve blood flow (QH), a decrease in the regional vascular resistance at rest (Rr) and under functional load (RH), venous tone (Vt), respectively. In the control group there was no reliable positive dynamics, after 12 months of observation indicators of regional hemodynamics significantly deteriorated. Conclusion: In patients with DCMP, according to venous occlusal plethysmography, the use of relieving therapeutic gymnastics in combination with ILIB on the background of medication therapy has significantly improved the indices of regional hemodynamics. The developed method of non-drug therapy can be used by cardiologists, general practitioners, therapists, doctors of physical and rehabilitation medicine to optimize treatment of patients with DCMP.


  • The determination of the CHF FC was made according to the Russian National Recommendations of the RSCS (2018) and OSSN on the diagnosis and treatment of CHF

  • Patients of the 1st group were treated with intravenous laser irradiation of blood (ILIB) and selection of unloading therapeutic gymnastics against the background of supporting differentiated medication therapy

  • The data obtained during the dynamic observation in the main group showed a reliable increase in the volume velocity of the blood flow at rest (Qr) and the reserve blood flow (QH), a decrease in the regional vascular resistance at rest (Rr) and under functional load (RH), venous tone (Vt), respectively

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Material and methods

The study included 100 patients diagnosed with DCMP. The diagnosis "DCMP" was established for patients with dilatation of the heart cavity of non-coronatural origin, increased heart size (final diastolic size of the left ventricle – LV CDR > 6.0 cm). Conclusion: In patients with DCMP, according to venous occlusal plethysmography, the use of relieving therapeutic gymnastics in combination with ILIB on the background of medication therapy has significantly improved the indices of regional hemodynamics. Согласно Национальным рекомендациям РКО по диагностике и лечению ХСН, для лечения ХСН при ДКМП [12,13], все больные принимали адекватную медикаментозную терапию с применением бета-адреноблокаторов, ингибиторов АПФ, антагонистов альдостерона, диуретиков, сердечных гликозидов, антиаритмических средств. До назначения немедикаментозного лечения на исходном этапе для подтверждения наличия ХСН у больных ДКМП определяли уровень NTpro BNP в плазме крови (анализатор серия Elecsys, Roche Diagnostics, Германия). Как следует из таблицы 2, у больных ДКМП 1-й группы показатели регионарной гемодинамики сразу после окончания курса лечения, через 3, 6 и 12 месяцев достоверно улучшались по сравнению с исходными данными. Parameters of regional hemodynamics, average blood PRESSURE and heart rate in healthy and patients with DCMP (M±m)

Нд Nd
Показатели Indicators
Длительность наблюдения The Duration of the observation
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