
The article briefly discusses Imam Maturidi and the teachings of Maturidi, the belonging of the Maturidis to the Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah, their adherence to Abu Hanifa in their usul (roots) and furu’ (branches) and the fact that Maturidi is a moderate doctrine. It emphasizes that the main source of this doctrine is aql (human intellect) and the Qur’anic text (nass). Some specific views of the Maturidis, in particular their approaches to issues such as takfir (accusation of apostasy), qadar (predestination), human verbs are described. The article also highlights one of the most important issues in the science of ‘aqeedah, namely, the views of the Maturidis on the quality of takwin (Creation) and points out the differences with the Ash’arites in this regard.

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