
The process and fate of a generation, the new generation is determined by several factors, of which more important are: good school, relevant programs, contemporary legislation and solid educational staff. Culture, education, art, science and civilization are being developed and affirmed through the school. For building a modern, efficient and successful school, it is necessary to successfully direct, manage and organize a school. School management and leadership is a continuing problem, which is directly related to the managers and professional staff of the school itself, which is always in transition and is in line with the constant changes in society. If a school is well-managed and guided, if there is good cooperation between the teaching staff, the parents' council, the professional workers and the students themselves, then the school will be able to progress and adapt to changes and reforms in education. The aim of this paper is to study the theoretical aspect of the managerial functions of the school principal. The methods used in this qualitative research work are: theoretical analysis and synthesis, descriptive method, generalization method, method of working with text, method of induction and deduction, etc. This paper: "The Director and his managerial functions in the school" is divided into two parts. The first part reveals about managing and leading in education, its term, the concept and functions of management, leadership as a modern approach to management, leadership features and the right leader. The second part examines the problems of managerial functions in the school by the director. The director's work as a leader and manager has the functions of behavior, planning, organizing, guiding, pedagogical - instructional and evaluation which will be analyzed in greater detail in the paper. Throughout this paper, it can be concluded that although there are several actors in the educational process, the director's role is of great importance because he, in addition to the teacher's role, has the role of manager and leader, a role that enables him to be creative, to be a motivator, organizer and inspirer of positive changes in the school, to create a positive climate and successful cooperation among all involved in the educational process. The director can also develop and strengthen communications and connections between students and teaching staff. In a word, the principal has the main key to creating the image of the school. The result of all this will be reflected in the construction of social opinion about the school, because each parent wants the best for his child. The director should also be the bearer of activities that will create an environment in which each teacher is a leader, each director is a teacher, then every child will be a success.

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