
The COVID-19 pandemic with successive lockdowns has caused university education all over the world to suddenly move from face-to-face to online teaching. This study investigates the impact of the teaching method on teachers' beliefs in light of the Corona Covid-19 pandemic. To achieve the objectives of the study, the analytical descriptive approach was used. The researcher developed a questionnaire that was applied to a random sample of 352 faculty members at King Faisal University. The questionnaire was conducted electronically in two stages. In the first stage, the term "direct teaching" was used, and in the second stage it was replaced by the term "distance teaching". The factor validity of the questionnaire was built, and it resulted in three main factors according to the teachers' beliefs, which are: teaching methods, evaluation methods, course organization, and management. The results showed that there was a difference in the level of teachers' beliefs about the factor (teaching methods) according to the teaching method, as the level of teachers' beliefs for the direct teaching method was high, and the distance education method was medium. It also showed a match in the level of teachers' beliefs according to the two methods of direct teaching and distance learning for workers (evaluation methods, course organization, and management), where the level was high. The results of the (T) test showed that the teaching method affects the teachers' beliefs and that the direct teaching method is superior to distance teaching in all factors. The researcher recommends the necessity of sustainable professional development for teachers in the technological aspect through the preparation of professional courses and conferences, and the development of comprehensive plans for the transition to distance education at the time of need and necessity that are flexible and implementable.

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