
In conducting experiments to test the prophylactic action of various drugs against blackhead of turkeys, both artificial and natural exposure to the disease have been employed. By means of artificial exposure, a high mortality rate has been produced in a short time with a known period of incubation. Natural exposure, while lacking some of the experimental advantages of artificial methods, has served to produce the disease under conditions comparable to field environment.The purpose of the present report is to record the different effect of artificially and naturally induced blackhead on the prophylactic action of one quinoline derivative, chlorohydroxyquinoline. The comparative value of chlorohydroxyquinoline and vioform, in which both drugs were tested against artificially induced blackhead, has been reported (De Volt and Holst, 1949). In a previous report (De Volt, 1948) vioform was shown to be effective both against artificially and naturally induced blackhead.MATERIALS AND METHODSIn the series .

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