
HISTOMONIASIS (Blackhead) has been a problem to turkey producers for many years and is still considered one of the more important turkey diseases. Many chemotherapeutic agents have been tested for the control of this disease.Wehr and Olivier (1946) found that phenothiazine would not control the disease. This was also found to be true for meta-amino-parahydroxy-phenylarsine hydrochloride and 2 metanilamido-5-chloropyrimidine in tests by Jaquette and Marsden (1947).DeVolt and Holst (1948, 1949) studied the effect of chlorohydroxyquinoline and iodochloroxyquinoline on blackhead in turkeys. They found these drugs would prevent the disease but growth was depressed due to a decreased food intake.The prophylactic action of 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole on blackhead was studied by Jungherr and Winn (1950), Seeger et al. (1950), DeVolt et al. (1951, 1954) and Grumbles et al. (1952a,b). These workers all reported that the drug would prevent blackhead as long as it was present in the feed but that …

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