
This study aims to determine the process of developing student worksheets (LKPD) in English based on cooperative learning on the procedural text material for class IX in Junior High School (SMPN) 15 Pesawaran. This research is a research and development (RnD) of English student worksheets based on cooperative learning in English lessons with the theme of procedural texts to improve students' reading skills. This research approach uses a research and development model from Borg & Gall (1983) which is an educational research and development in order to develop effective educational products that can be used to solve learning problems.The steps in the student worksheets development process are preliminary, initial product design, expert validation, product revision, and conducting field tests. The student worksheets development process in the first stage is the preliminary stage, namely analyzing the needs and potentials that support product development. The second stage is designing the initial product by preparing teaching materials, syllabus, lesson plans, and supporting images. The third stage is validating the experts to material experts, media experts, and design experts. The validation of material experts obtained a score of 3.4 with proper criteria, media experts obtained a score of 3.2 with proper criteria, and design experts obtained a score of 3.4 with proper criteria. The last stage is a field test in the form of responses to teacher and student representatives. In the field test, the teacher obtained a score of 3.4 with attractive criteria and student field tests with a percentage of 95% with very attractive criteria.

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