
The purpose of this research and development is to produce student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment that are suitable for use in learning, and to know the difference in learning outcomes between students using student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment with do not use student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment in thematic learning in fourth grade of elementary school. This type of research is research and development referring to the theory of Borg and Gall. The population of the study was 151 students of fourth grade of elementary school, and the sample was determined by purposive sampling as many as 20 students. The data was collected through observation sheets, questionnaires, and test questions. The test instrument that used fulfills the validity and reliability, taking into account the level of difficulty, and the power of the different questions. The data analysis technique used t test. The results of the validation of the student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment conducted by material experts, media experts, and linguists who were suitable to be used in learning. The results of the study showed that the student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment of the project t count = 2,838 > t table = 1,697. It means there are differences in learning outcomes between students who use student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment with with do not use student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment. Keywords: the development of student worksheets, project based learning, project assessment DOI : 10.7176/JEP/10-17-10 Publication date :June 30 th 2019


  • In the 21st century human resources are needed that are able to work together, think high, creative, skilled, communication skills and lifelong learnin

  • RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Results The Development Of Student Worksheets In The Project Based Learning Model Oriented Project Assessment In The Thematic Learning In Fourth Grade Of Elementary School The results of research and development of student worksheets in the Project Based Learning model oriented project assessment on thematic learning in fourth grade students in Public Elementary School 1 Gondangrejo, product development with the development procedure refers to the development model Borg & Gall (2003: 569575) obtained the following results. 3.1.1

  • Observation results of analysis of student learning outcomes are obtained (1) Learning ability of students is still low, (2) teachers still dominate the implementation of learning, (3) teaching materials used do not meet the needs of students and curriculum demands, (4) students are not challenged to connect their knowledge into learning material so that less motivated students explore their own knowledge, (5) learning must be conducted actively, inspirational, fun and challenging, (6) the student worksheets that made must be able to facilitate students to think critically, creative and independent, (7) there are still students whose values are below the Minimum Completion Criteria, and (8) the assessment carried out has not referred to the specified assessment standards

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In the 21st century human resources are needed that are able to work together, think high, creative, skilled, communication skills and lifelong learnin. Students must be able to critically assess all kinds of information obtained, and use it to solve problems or make the right decisions.Based on the results of observations on learning, interviews with teachers and students are obtained that: the teacher uses the students worksheet which only contains material and questions, the assessment on the students worksheet is in the form of tests, learning activities generally centered on the teacher delivering the material contained in the students' books limited, teachers have not given project assignments in learning and do not yet know how to evaluate them. Student worksheets help students understand material better, and student worksheets can improve students' abilities.Darmodjo, et al In Lestari (2013: 15) explain the requirements for the preparation of student worksheets (a) Didactic requirements that meet the principles of effective learning, that are: (1) Noting differences in individuals who have different abilities, not homogeneous; (2) Emphasize the process of finding a concept so that it serves as a guide for students to look for information rather than a means of notifying information;(3) Having a variety of stimulus through various media and student activities, providing opportunities for students to write, experiment, practice, and so on; (4) Developing social, emotional, moral, and aesthetic communication skills in students, (5) Determining learning experiences with students' personal development goals rather than subject matter. (b) Construction requirements include the use of language, sentence structure, vocabulary, level of difficulty, and clarity in the student worksheet

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