
The article examines the current state of Ukrainian legislation on social protection of military personnel and their family members. It is noted that to date, Ukraine has developed a system of normative legal acts of various legal force, which regulate the issues of social and legal protection of military personnel, their constitutional rights and freedoms, and guarantees regarding their implementation. At the same time, despite the fact that legislation in this area is constantly developing and improving, many issues still need to be resolved. Since a significant number of normative legal acts do not always indicate the provision of integral and comprehensive social protection. In particular, a conclusion was made about the non-systematic and scattered nature of the norms that define specific types of social protection for servicemen and their family members. That is, there is no single approach to the legal regulation of social protection of servicemen and their family members, there is a lack of a single legislative act, according to which consolidated and mutually agreed standards and principles of building the entire structure of social security in the researched area would be determined. Therefore, the existing system of social protection needs radical reorganization. In particular, it is necessary to create a clear system of guarantees of social (material) support for military personnel and members of their families, to ensure their observance and implementation by the state, thereby stimulating citizens to military service. It was noted that an important direction of state policy, which should become the focus of attention during the war and after its end, should be the social security of servicemen and their families, as well as raising the status of servicemen in the state. Because today there is no more important task in Ukraine than protecting and ensuring the rights of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations who defend our borders, sovereignty and integrity of our state, who with their courageous struggle effectively protect the Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian people. At the same time, it is noted that despite the limited economic opportunities, the state still tries to provide adequate social protection to military personnel and their families, pays out monetary support and rewards, provides medical treatment and rehabilitation. Attention was also drawn to the fact that the regulatory and legal settlement of issues of ensuring social protection of servicemen and their family members should be closer to international standards, in particular, NATO member countries.

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