
The university extension represents one of the fundamental pillars of higher education, because through the processes that is articulated in its dynamics it contributes to a higher quality education. Being the management of knowledge and its dissemination through the media that has one of the main purposes, creating the Cultural Observatory "Cénit", at the University of Oriente. In this work, the experience of the contribution made by said observatory to the training of arts students from pre-professional practices is presented, as a space for academic research socialization and cultural scientific promotion from university extension, as a university training process. The objective of this research is to improve the process of the integration dynamics of the Cultural Observatory "Cénit" in the training of the student of the career of letters for the development of their professional activity, which through integration procedures with The elective / elective curriculum and the pre-professional practice allowed the integration to the teaching-learning processes from the disciplines of the career, achieving the integrative and conscious transformation of the student training process with the extension dimension in favor of the preservation, creation and promotion of the university scientific culture. Recognizing itself as a novel experience in the university field, because with this exchange of knowledge not only the University Extension is perfected but it also contributes to the training of the students of the career of letters and they will put into practice their knowledge acquired with this exchange once they graduate in their professional performance.

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