This research is motivated by low self efficacy and motivation to study the effect on mathematic learning outcomes become less good. This study was carried out aimed to determine : (1) the correlation between self efficacy in mathematics learning outcomes (2) the correlation of learning motivation and learning outcomes mathematics (3) the correlation between self efficacy and motivation to learn mathematics results. This type of research is survey research with correlational approach using research subjects which its population amount to 225 students and a sample amount to 146 students. Research instrument research trials conducted on 46 respondents. Data collection of self efficacy and motivation to learn by using a questionnaire, and the learning outcomes conducted by documentation. The results of this research that there is a significant correlation between: (1) self efficacy in mathematics learning outcomes with value of = 0,744 and at the 5% significance level. Self efficacy contributed to 55,3% on learning outcomes of mathematics (2) motivation to learn in mathematics learning outcomes with value of = 0,579 and . Motivation to learn to contribute 33,6% of the mathematics learning outcomes (3) self efficacy and motivation to learn the mathematics learning outcomes with value of = 0,759 dan . Self efficacy and motivation to contribute 57,6% of the math learning outcomes. So it can be concluded that in this study the first hypothesis, the second and third receiving and rejecting . Keyword: self-efficacy, motivation, learning math
This research is motivated by low self efficacy and motivation to study the effect on mathematic learning outcomes become less good
Research instrument research trials conducted on 46 respondents
Data collection of self efficacy and motivation to learn by using a questionnaire, and the learning outcomes conducted by documentation
Pelajaran 2013/2014 dalam mata pelajaran matematika menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran tersebut belum mencapai hasil yang optimal. Diperoleh ketuntasan belajar matematika siswa kelas XI IPS yaitu 62,71% dalam ulangan harian dan 37,29% yang belum tuntas. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menguji hubungan antara self efficacy ( ) dan motivasi belajar ( ) dengan hasil belajar ( ). Menurut Riduwan, teknik simple random sampling yaitu sampel diambil dari populasi yang dilakukan dengan acak tanpa memperhatikan tingkatan dalam anggota populasi tersebut. Populasi dan Sampel “Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas obyek/subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh penulis untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya” (Sugiyono, 2012:117), maka populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 5 Batam Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 225 siswa. Prosedur/Desain Pada penelitian ini yang dijadikan sebagai variabel bebas ada dua yaitu self efficacy ( ) dan motivasi belajar ( ).
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