
The aim of the article was to study the content of total protein and protein fractions in the blood of cows during pregnancy and determine their diagnostic value. The studies were performed as follows. Within 7 days after insemination on the principle of analogues selected a group of 100 cows. Pregnancy was diagnosed by rectal examination of cows 60 days after insemination. In experimental animals, starting from the 25th to the 29th day after insemination, blood samples for morphological and biochemical studies were taken monthly before delivery. The total protein content in the serum was determined by the biuret reaction, protein fractions – nephelometric method. Depending on the course of labor and the postpartum period, cows were divided into two groups. The first group included 30 animals with a physiological course of the postpartum period. The second group was formed of 30 cows with subinvolution of the uterus. According to this goal, the dynamics of total protein, albumin, alpha-, beta- and gammaglobulins in the blood of cows with physiological course of pregnancy and prone to the development of subinvolution of the uterus from the first to 9 months of pregnancy. It was found that in clinically healthy cows the onset of pregnancy is characterized by a high (0.89) albumin-globulin ratio, which in the fourth month of pregnancy decreases to 0.78, in the fifth or sixth months increases to 0.85, followed by a decrease to 0.78 before childbirth. In cows prone to uterine subinvolution, a significant difference in albumin content was found in the first month of pregnancy (47.07 ± 1.21 vs. 41.02 ± 1.26 %). In the third to fifth months of pregnancy, there was an increase in the proportion of albumin in the protein to 44.62 ± 0.88 % and a new decrease in the seventh to ninth months to 41.96 ± 0.3 %. In the first month of pregnancy, the albumin-globulin ratio was 0.7, with a tendency to increase in the fifth to sixth months of pregnancy to 0.8, and decrease to 0.72 before calving. Analyzing the dynamics of alpha-globulins in clinically healthy cows, we noted two peaks of decrease in their percentage - in the third month of pregnancy (from 16.02 ± 0.08 to 15.14 ± 0.06 %) and in the fifth month , 96 ± 0.48 %) and a consistent increase in the seventh to ninth months of pregnancy (up to 17.22 ± 0.13 %). And in cows prone to the development of uterine subinvolution, with a slightly higher percentage at the beginning of pregnancy (16.02 ± 0.08 to 17.08 ± 0.05 %), we did not notice significant changes in the percentage of this globulin, except for a significant increase in seventh to ninth month of pregnancy (up to 18.01 ± 0.24 – 19.01 ± 0.32 %). It is proposed to use the albumin-globulin ratio at 6, 7, 8, 9 months of gestation as a prognostic factor in the detection of cows prone to uterine subinvolution.


  • The content of total protein and protein fractions in cows during pregnancy and their diagnostic value

  • The aim of the article was to study the content of total protein and protein fractions in the blood of cows during pregnancy and determine their diagnostic value

  • The total protein content in the serum was determined by the biuret reaction, protein fractions – nephelometric method

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Ternopil Research Station IBM NAAS, Trolleybusna Str., 12, Ternopil, 46002, Ukraine. Stravsky, Ya. Відповідно поставленій меті висвітлено динаміку загального протеїну, альбумінів, альфа-, бета- та гаммаглобулінів у крові корів з фізіологічним перебігом тільності та схильних до розвитку субінволюції матки з першого до 9 місяців тільності. У корів, схильних до субінволюції матки, встановлено достовірну різницю вмісту альбумінів уже на першому місяці тільності (47,07 ± 1,21 проти 41,02 ± 1,26 %). А у корів, схильних до розвитку субінволюції матки, при дещо вищому їх відсотку на початку тільності (16,02 ± 0,08 до 17,08 ± 0,05 %) ми не відмітили істотних змін відсотка цього глобуліну, за винятком достовірного підвищення на сьомому-дев’ятому місяці тільності (до 18,01 ± 0,24 – 19,01 ± 0,32 %). Запропоновано альбуміно-глобуліновий коефіцієнт використовувати, на 6, 7, 8, 9 місяцях тільності, у якості прогностичного при виявленні корів схильних до розвитку субінволюції матки. Мета – дослідити вміст загального білка і білкових фракцій у крові корів у період тільності та визначити їх діагностичну значимість

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