
Introduction. The article outlines the priority tasks of Ukraine's economic development with the active participation of banks and the basic principles of European integration of the domestic banking system. Particular attention is paid to the forecasts of the problems of the banking system of Ukraine on the way of the processes of European integration of Ukraine and measures for the practical implementation of the main directions of integration of the banking system of Ukraine into the European Union. The purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the priority of the banking system in the process of European integration and the development of scientific and practical recommendations on the adaptation of the national banking system in accordance with EU requirements. Results. The object of the study is the development of the banking system in the context of Ukraine's Eurointegration. The information base for research are work domestic and foreign scientists (monographs, manuals, textbooks and other scholarly publications), analytical publications of the National Bank of Ukraine, legal acts of Ukraine, Internet sources. The scientific novelty of the results the research is in the deepening some theoretical concepts and the development of scientific and practical of recommendations for adapting the national banking system of the EU requirements. The practical significance of the research results obtained is that they can be used to develop and improve the mechanisms for transforming the banking sector of Ukraine with the aim of adapting it to the requirements of European integration. Conclusions. From the given material it is possible to draw conclusions that the main goals of the development of the domestic banking system can be defined: – strengthening the banking system of Ukraine, increasing its resilience to crises; – strengthening confidence in banks in particular and in the banking system, generally by depositors and investors (creditors); – deepening the integration of Ukraine's banking system into the global financial space; – activation of banks' activities for raising funds and their transformation into loans for subjects of the real sector of the economy; – expansion of the spectrum and increase of volumes of products and services in the banking and financial markets, etc. Consequently, the economic, social and political challenges in the domestic economy should be initiated by the process of improving the functioning of the banking sector through the creation of secure, legitimate and transparent conditions for banking. These relationships should be based on trust and responsibility in the process of obtaining the maximum result with the maximum acceptable risk level.

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