
The article provides a critical conceptual analysis of the theological approach to consideration of relationship of the sacral and secular as well as postmodern interpretation of “sacrificial” and “sacral” concepts. The article gives the characteristic of the subject of postmodern “reflection beyond logocentricity” from the perspective of the logocentrically conducted classical Hegelian concretism of truth. Moreover, the postmodern subject appears incomplete from the epistemic point of view, with domination of subjectively varying logic of interpretation of the considered phenomenon. The study was undertaken in a manner of critical analyticity conducted in a systematic and dialectic way. It is meaningfully revealed in the historical and culturological relationship and is concretized in a substantial way. It supposes the achievement of such logic of consideration that appears to be aimed at the achievement of conceptual completeness of the concerned matters. Accordingly, importance is being increasingly attached to the methodological provision about conceptual and contextual diversity of the supposed meanings of the terms. Therefore, their interpretation overcomes the single attachment to the fixed type of discourse. The main findings of the undertaken study concern the peculiarity of discursive practice of theological and postmodern forms of thinking. There is shown that difficulty of true foundation of concepts of the religious discourse in its own frames does not overcome in efficiently conceptual way. The article stresses the absence of a mandatory link between sacral limits and their religious interpretation. There is highlighted the provision on the reactualization of rudimentary naturalistic religious ideas, which occurs as a result of the general crisis of ideologies and scientific form of consciousness. The author justifies the conclusion about the incomplete correctness of Eliade’s interpretation of the religious ritual as a process that eliminates historical time. The historical role of ritual practice lies in the formation and development of sacralized topos of value tracks of emerging sociality. The article shows that postmodern interpretation of concepts of self-sacrifice (victim) and sacredness takes place in an emphasized non-historical manner of psychologized narrative description.

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