
The article is devoted to the comparative and historical study of artistic features of the author's concepts of history and personality on the material of the novel "Chinggis Khan" by V. Yang and "Warriors of the Golden Horde" ("Unexpected Guest - Jochi" (2019), "Batu-Khan") by N. Sanzhar. These works talk about one historical epoch. But the writers lived and worked in different periods of history, in different states. And the novels reflect different points of view. Each writer from the position of his time approaches the development of the concept of historical personality, in a new way considers the priority of universal human values. V. Yan depicts the historical past through the actions of Genghis Khan, and a modern Kazakh writer N. Sanzhar shows history through the events related to Jochi and Batu, which were of key importance in the formation of the statehood of Kazakhstan. Each of the writers follows their own concept of historical personality. To V. Yan it was important to focus the reader's attention on the cult of violence and cruelty. N. Sanzhar is more concerned with Genghis Khan's attitude towards his mother, wife and children, his descendants, and the mission of Jochi Khan, Batu Khan. N. Sanzhar's approach to developing the theme stands out for its novelty. The portrayal of the character of Genghis Khan and his descendants is associated with a new view of history, deepening psychologism and strengthening the moral criterion in the assessment of personality. The author tries to understand the degree and depth of his character's contradictions. Using the method of self-disclosure, the writer shows the spiritual drama of the hero - a man of his time.

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