
Respect for humanity is the source of peace and tranquility in society because man has the basic position in this universe. The greatest need in today's world is that peace and order should be established in the world and the society should be peaceful. The only way to this is to respect humanity and give every human being their basic rights. For this purpose, this article examines the teachings of various religions and the attitudes of their followers regarding human respect. Before Islam, the concept of human sanctity was lost in Arab society. And the victorious force inflicted various atrocities on the people. The extremism of the Jews was such that they did not hesitate to kill the Prophets. Before Islam, Jews burned many Christians of Najran. In 453, Christians confiscated the property of non-Christians, and executed them by crucifixion, burning alive, or putting them to the beasts. The religious teachings of Hinduism call for harsh treatment of one's opponents to the point of burning them alive. Islam has declared human life, property, honor and dignity as respectable and ordered to give all human beings their basic rights. And in this regard, no distinction has been made between nation and religion.

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