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Veronika Khudolei Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University (Kyiv, Ukraine) Alona Natorina PhD (Economics), Head of the International Economics Accounting and Finance Department Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Based on the results of the studies and a comparative analysis of scientists and economists, the relation between the key blocks of the digital business transformation that allow rapidly react to heterogeneous consumer requests in the Internet are interpreted
It is important to develop an architecture for digital business management with the appropriate phases, which will be the base of relevant methodological tools usage for enterprises in response to transformation of the marketing environment, priority competitors’ actions, as well as the online customers’ experiences formation with taking into account global and local trends
The priority value of digital transformation at the state level, which forms the prerequisites for positive global economic and social changes in the context of bifurcations and permanent changes in the marketing environment, is determined. Changes in the modern world are happening very quickly, so digital business requires a quick response and adaptation to these changes, especially in the context of digital transformation. In this case, it is important to develop an architecture for digital business management with the appropriate phases, which will be the base of relevant methodological tools usage for enterprises in response to transformation of the marketing environment, priority competitors’ actions, as well as the online customers’ experiences formation with taking into account global and local trends. The theoretical aspects of digital transformation and its impact on the economy are interpreted in the works of scientists, among whom: Kaariainen J. [15], Krueger J. [11], Meek T. [12], Muller Ch. [17], Nwaiwu F. [14], Parviainen P. [15], Rachinger M. [17], Rauter R. [17], Schirgi E. [17], Schmitt B. [18], Teppola S. [15], Tihinen M. [15], Vorraber W. [17]
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