
The purpose of the article is to determine the structural components of academic integrity, to provide a theoretical justification for the external and internal conditions of the student’s academic integrity forming. In the structure of academic integrity four main components were distinguished: 1) axiological and motivational component, which characterizes the value orientations, beliefs, guidelines and system of students' motivation for learning, etc.; 2) cognitive component − includes knowledge and understanding of legal and ethical norms, principles, laws that regulate students' academic behavior and relationships between participants in the educational process; 3) individual-character component consists of basic personality traits, abilities, properties of the nervous system, self-esteem and level of aspirations, locus of control, etc., it influence students' choice of behavioural model in the educational process; 4) the behavioral component characterizes the student's skills and habits to perform academic activities on the basis of academic integrity.Theoretical analysis of the external and internal conditions of the student’s academic integrity forming helped to identify ways to improve academic integrity of students by using the psychological and pedagogical technologies. The research uses a number of theoretical and empirical methods, among them: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison, systematization, questionnaire.The author's research of academic integrity of students allowed to determine ways to increase its level. The results of the study can be used in developing a program for the education of students in institution of higher education.We consider such directions of future research to be promising: checking the trend on a larger sample; exposing the dynamics of academic integrity through comparison the students of the different years of study; improvement of methodical tools for the empirical research; development of psychological and pedagogical technologies to improve of academic honesty of the students.

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