
Abstract The business environment in the company covers economic, political, institutional, legal, technological and cultural conditions in which business process is implemented, ie, process of forming enterprises, and the implementation of their business activities. The quality of the business environment creates an elementary precondition for sustainable growth and long-term competitiveness of each global market economy. It creates the basic conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. in The Last decade, in different countries many organizations concerned with measuring the quality of the business environment on the basis of different parameters have been created. Then compile rankings of economies and comparison of the positions of the countries at different time period. Indexes provide important information on the development of individual components of the competitiveness of countries. The article is the comparison of the quality of the business environment Visegrad countries, since these are with similar initial condition, with particular attention to the Slovak Republic. Countries will compared by two local indexes and four global indexes. The article will also determine the results of questionnaire on the quality of the business environment and the quality changes in the business environment of the Slovak Republic.

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