Heat losses at the heating network’s distribution pipelines were identified for Karkivcommunity. Heat losses’ calculation is performed in view of the underground pipelines’ installationin non-accessible ducts. The heating system water temperature is accepted in line with the heatingnetwork temperature chart and according to the design outdoor temperature value for heatingpurposes. Specific heat losses in the network section’ pipelines are accepted at the level of standardvalues for the specified network laying method. The water flow rate at the heat pipeline sections isdefined as per the design heat loads from the buildings connected to the heat supply network. Theheat pipeline segment with uniform diameter is accepted as the rated section. The soil temperatureat the heat pipeline axis laying depth is accepted as 5°C. The heat losses at the structural networkelements are considered by 1.15 coefficient. The calculations are performed in view of the heatingsystem water flow rate and temperate changes along the heat pipeline length. While analyzing thethermal condition of the return pipelines of the community heating network, the changes in the heatcontent of the heating system water flow in the main direction pipeline during mixing with the waterflow from the branches of the main direction line are taken into account. Considering the averagetemperature of the coldest five days consecutively, the total energy loss in heating pipeline for a groupof buildings in Kharkov region are equivalent to 180.8kW.In view of the ambient air temperature changing over the heating period for Kharkiv cityclimate conditions and the current schedule for quality heat energy supply to the consumers controlthe annual heat losses in the community heating network pipelines were calculated. The soil temperature change at the heat pipeline installation depth during the heating period was notconsidered.Heat losses in the microdistrict network for the year are 2184 GJ. The data obtained can beused to compare options when developing a strategy for reforming the microdistrict heat supplysystem.
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