
<p>北宋治平二年(1065),朝廷就英宗對生父濮王的稱謂問題展開激烈爭議,史稱「濮議之爭」。歐陽修為首的宰執認為英宗應稱濮王為「皇考」,司馬光等一眾兩制、臺諫和禮官則認為英宗應以仁宗過繼子身分,稱濮王為「皇伯」。最終在曹太后授意下,英宗稱濮王為「親」。本文透過朝中反對者的論據,指出他們自仁宗晚年以來,有著一貫的禮學詮釋邏輯,他們既將政治訴求融入禮學詮釋中,在朝廷的禮儀場域中表達其政治訴求。本文藉此角度剖析濮議的起因,由此展示北宋仁、英之際禮學與政治融合的情況。</p> <p> </p><p>In 1065, as the adopted son of the late emperor Renzong, the new emperor Yingzong of the Northern Song dynasty (960–1127) was involved into an intense debate over how he should address his biological father, the Prince of Pu. This controversy which lasted for approximately 18 months was known as the “Puyi” debate. The Grand Councilors suggested Yingzong to designate the Prince of Pu as his “deceased father”. A large number of officials from other bureaus, including the Secretariats, Hanlin Academicians, Censors and Remonstrators, and ritual officials objected to this proposal. They insisted that Yingzong as the adopted son of Renzong should designate his biological father as his “deceased uncle”. Eventually, Yingzong was allowed to name his father as a “relative” under the permission of Empress dowager Cao, his adopted mother. Through an analysis of the opponents’ arguments against the grand councilors’ proposal, this article argues that Song scholar-officials since the 1050s were inclined to reveal their political stances through the interpretation of particular imperial rituals. From this point of view, this article provides a new explanation of the origin of the “Puyi” debate, and demonstrates how ritual learning merged with political agenda in the mid-Northern Song.</p> <p> </p>

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