
<p>紹熙五年(1194)七月「紹熙內禪」至慶元元年(1195)二月發動「慶元黨禁」為止之政局,既有研究多著眼於道學集團與反道學集團的政治衝突。本文認為道學內部衝突,才是激化黨派政爭的關鍵因素。此時道學集團內部競爭關係,植根於推動內禪過程的關係網絡。趙汝愚(1140-1196)憑藉徐誼(1144-1208)、葉適(1150-1223)、蔡必勝等溫州士人在外廷與內朝的聯繫與合作,成功推動內禪,不僅形塑以趙汝愚為核心之「內外一體」(外廷與內朝相互合作)的權力運作,也奠定溫州士人在道學陣營的優勢。隨著孝宗陵寢選址、廟制爭議、外戚俸祿等事件逐次發生,道學陣營內部衝突加劇,撼動了趙汝愚維持「內外一體」運作的正當性。朱熹(1130-1200)標舉反對近習旗幟,抨擊趙汝愚與溫州士人違反道學陣營政治立場,迫使後者轉變原本有條件與近習合作的態度。此一發展嚴重削弱以韓侂冑等近習對趙汝愚的信任,導致以趙汝愚為核心之「內外一體」的崩解,取而代之則是以韓侂冑為核心、內朝領導外廷的「內外一體」局面。</p> <p> </p><p>Past research on the political situation from July 1194, when the “Shaoxi Imperial Abdication” occurred, to the “Qingyuan Faction Ban” of February 1195 has mostly focused on the political conflict between Daoxue groups and anti-Daoxue groups. In contrast, this article argues that internal conflicts within Daoxue were the key to the intensification of partisan political disputes. The internal competition within the Daoxue group during this period originated from the relationship network between the individuals who promoted the abdication. Zhao Ruyu made contacts and established cooperation between the outer court and the inner court through his relationships with Xu Yi, Ye Shi, Cai Bisheng and other Wenzhou scholars, successfully promoting the abdication, which not only shaped the power operation of “the integration of the inner court and the outer court” (the cooperation between the outer court and the inner court) but also established the advantage of Wenzhou scholars in the Daoxue group. As controversies over the choice of the location of Xiaozong’s mausoleum, the ancestral temple system, and the salary of imperial relatives occurred one after another, the internal conflicts in the Daoxue group intensified, shaking the ability of Zhao Ruyu to maintain internal and external unity. Zhu Xi held up the banner of opposing imperial favorites and criticized Zhao Ruyu and the Wenzhou scholars for violating the political stance of the Daoxue group, forcing the latter to change their original attitude of conditional cooperation with the favorites. The development of this situation caused a serious decline in the trust favored officials represented by Han Tuozhou had in Zhao Ruyu, leading to the collapse of the “integration of the inner court and the outer court” political situation with Zhao Ruyu as the core. Replaced by Han Tuozhou, the inner court came to lead the outer court in a situation of “internal and external integration.”</p> <p> </p>

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