
In this paper the Chinese society modernization is characterized as a complex, dynamic, and non-uniform process. The authors identify and give a description of three stages of the Chinese society modernization. The article also investigates the social ideals of ancient Chinese culture “xiaokang” – (small well-being) and “he” – (harmony), which played an important role in the conception of modernization of modern Chinese society. The author gives the summary of the contents of these ancient ideals, and analyzes their modern interpretation. It is shown how these ideas complement and enrich each other. It is argued that the advancement of these ideas, at the same time, reflects the intention to promote the co-evolution of economic and social indicators in China. Main content of ‘human-basis’ idea was disclosed as an important guiding principle of the Chinese society modernization. Three levels of understanding of a‘human-basis’ philosophical idea were defined. Free personal development, people's moral, intellectual, and physical qualities’ improvement are considered as a basic premise of modernization and long-term development.

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