
At the present stage of the study, powerlifting is one of the priority sports in Ukraine among various segments of the population. This is a fairly new and modern sport with a huge history, which has played an important role in the formation and implementation of sports activities.
 The popularity of powerlifting is due to its simplicity, accessibility for a large number of categories of the population, fast results with the right technique and strong-willed qualities of character, it is also important to have a positive impact on the athlete's health. and the psychological state of man.
 Powerlifting classes increase muscle strength, strengthen ligaments and joints, help to develop endurance, flexibility and other physical qualities, cultivate willpower, self-confidence, increase the efficiency of the whole organism.
 Strength sports have always been popular among athletes and people who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. Recently, this area of sport is developing particularly rapidly, such relatively new types as bodybuilding, powerlifting, bench press, arm wrestling, armlifting, workout have become widespread. The main problem faced by athletes and coaches is the almost complete lack of competent training systems for these power sports, as well as in the process of competitive training: the requirements and features of competitive activities. The reason is clear and quite objective - the relative novelty and lack of theoretical basis. Now the only possible way to create a training technique is mechanical borrowing from other sports, mainly from weightlifting.
 Powerlifting (from English. Powerlifting, power - strength, lifting - lifting) - power triathlon, includes three competitive exercises with a barbell: squats, bench press and traction.
 Powerlifting sports training is a process aimed at comprehensive and systematic improvement of all physical and moral qualities that are leading in this sport. Sports training in powerlifting includes training in the technique of competitive exercises (squats, bench press, traction position) and the development of physical qualities with special auxiliary exercises with a barbell and other types of weights.
 Despite the fact that powerlifting does not require special technical skills. The three movements of the competition look simple and, it would seem, with some physical strength you can show significant results. However, as in any other sport, powerlifting has many nuances and factors, despite which it is impossible to talk about any results. First of all, these are the general basics of technique, as well as individually selected techniques and training methods that take into account age, anatomical, biomechanical, psychological characteristics of the athlete, his physical fitness. Since all three movements in powerlifting are associated with a heavy load on the joint and musculoskeletal system, any serious powerlifting is impossible without constant medical supervision (at least once a month). Not the last role is played by the training and competitive equipment meeting the requirements of the international standards and the equipment of the athlete.


  • На сучасному етапі дослідження пауерліфтинг відноситься до переліку пріоритетних видів спорту в Україні серед різних верств населення

  • Популярність пауерліфтингу зумовлюється його простотою, доступністю для великої кількості категорій населення, швидким отриманням результатів при дотриманні правильної техніки виконання та вольових якостей характеру, також важливе значення полягає в благополучному впливі на здоров’я спортсмена, а ще заняття цим спортом призводить до позитивного впливу на емоційний та психологічний стан людини

  • At the present stage of the study, powerlifting is one of the priority sports in Ukraine among various segments of the population. This is a fairly new and modern sport with a huge history, which has played an important role in the formation and implementation of sports activities

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На сучасному етапі дослідження пауерліфтинг відноситься до переліку пріоритетних видів спорту в Україні серед різних верств населення. 2. Вправи пауерліфтингу: Присідання – особливості техніки виконання; Жим лежачи – ключові положення та помилки привиконанні; Тяга та її залежністьпри виконанні від біомеханіки людини.

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