
The article aims to develop a set of objective criteria for assessing the state of energy security in decentralised remote regions of the north, Arctic zones and autonomous energy supply complexes. The authors assessed the potential of renewable energetics, which determines the effectiveness of decentralised energy complexes based on renewable energy sources, in improving the energy security of such entities. The indicators for assessing the energy security of research objects were developed on the basis of an analysis of the ratio of the most significant threats, as well as territorial and situational factors of the autonomous energy of the north and Arctic zones. A study of the security of the research objects allowed the development of a set of criteria for territorial segments and autonomous electrification objects, forming an objective assessment of the energy security of isolated hard-to-reach areas. An analysis of the possibilities of renewable energy sources in achieving certain positions (resource sufficiency, environmental acceptability, technological attainability and reliability) of the energy security of the considered level was conducted. Groups of properties and processes within the territorial framework of a decentralised region, separated by the directions of monitoring the energy security of local energy zones are proposed as objects of indicative analysis. The differentiation of the developed criteria by the levels of the energy zone and decentralised energy complex allowed consideration of all the specific features of these objects and cover the factors of mutual influence with accompanying systems in the formation of the state of energy security. When considering a possible option for the participation of renewable energy sources in the structural and resource provision of autonomous electricity supply, it was found that such diversification will affect both the improvement of some criteria of energy security of the considered level, as well as the deterioration of others.


  • Of renewable energetics, which determines the effectiveness of decentralised energy complexes based on renewable energy sources, in improving the energy security of such entities

  • The indicators for assessing the energy security of r esearch objects were developed on the basis of an analysis of the ratio of the most significant threats, as well as territorial and situational factors of the autonomous energy of the north and Arctic zones

  • A study of the security of the research objects allowed the development of a set of criteria for territorial segments and autonomous electrification objects, forming an objective assessment of the energy security of isolated hard-to-reach areas

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Энергетика Power Engineering

Резюме: Цель – формирование группы объективных критериальных показателей оценки состояния энергетической безопасности децентрализованных удаленных районов севера и Арктических зон и автономных энергетич еских комплексов электроснабжения. Определяющей эффе ктивность структуры децентрализованных энергетических комплексов с участием возобновляемых источников энергии, в изменении уровня их энергетической безопасности. Формирование индикативных показателей оценки энергетической безопасности объектов исследования проводилось на основе анализа соотношения максимал ьно присущих угроз, территориальных и ситуативных факторов автономной энергетики севера и Арктических зон. Представлен анализ возможностей возобновляемых источников энергии в достижении отдельных позиций (ресурсной достаточности, экологической допустимости, технологической достижимости и надежности) энергет ической безопасности рассматриваемого уровня. При рассмотрении возможного варианта участия возобновляемых источников энергии в ресурсной и структурной обеспеченности автономного электроснабжения выяснено, что такая диверсификация отразится как на улучшении значений о дних критериальных показателей энергетической безопасности исследуемого уровня, так и на ухудшении других.

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