
The aim of this paper is to identify the regularities in the pattern of changes in the employment structure by economic sectors in Polish voivodships in the period of 2010–2016. The researchuses the data on persons employed by the actual workplace in six economic sectors (groups of sections), obtained from Statistics Poland. The research determines the degree of similarity between the sectoral structure of employment of each examined voivodship and such structure of whole Poland. The diversity of percentages of persons employed in particular economic sectors within each examined voivodship was determined using the Herfindahl-Hirschman relative index. The research also examines the similarity of sectoral structures of employment in voivodships in the chain ap-proach (year-on-year), using the similarity measure of structures. The voivodships were grouped according to the degree of similarity of structures, which, in turn, made it possible to identify the voivodships where the changes observed in the analysed period were most and least significant. The research demonstrates that in the years 2010–2016, the changes in the structure of employment by economic sectors in the examined voivodships took place relatively slowly, and that in most voivodships, the employment rate in agriculture decreased, while in services for financial, insurance and real estate sectors, it increased. The highest diversification in the structure of employment was observed in Lubelskie voivodship, andthe lowest in Małopolskie voivodship. The most dynamic changes in the sectoral structure of employment were observed at the beginning of the analysed period (2011/2010), whereas towards its end, these changes became slower.

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