
In 1997 I produced the CD-ROM (compact disk-read only memory) EizoJikken No Tameni (For Visual Experimentation), an updated version of a book I wrote in 1985, to which I added new essays and excerpts from my film and video work since 1962 [1]. The CDROM contains 750 pages of text in Japanese, almost two hours of film and video clips, and 100 photographs and illustrations. The idea of using the CDROM format to republish my book, which has been out of print for some time, was attractive to me because of the CD-ROM's ability to incorporate different art forms into one piece. Republishing the book in this way, with added visual and textual material, allowed me to capitalize on the CD-ROM's interplay between words and images. Words and images are linked throughout the CD-ROM, which includes icons that open to film images. The texts on the CD-ROM are mostly theoretical essays written over the last 35 years about experimental film, video art, conceptual art, performance and installation work. I also in-

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